Christopher Snowdon on the Erosion of Liberty

“We live in an era of outraged minorities and pressure group politics. Once people see government using the law to appease vociferous special interest groups, everybody wants a piece of the action. Had your feelings hurt by unkind words on social media? We’ve got a law for that. Don’t like the smell of tobacco smoke? We’ve got a law for that. The solution is to have a limited government that encourages you to grow some skin and associate with like-minded people rather than insist the whole country changes to suit your preferences. Unfortunately, there is a great temptation for people to see one group get special privileges and demand special privileges for themselves.”
Christopher Snowdon is an author, freelance journalist and the Director of Lifestyle Economics at the Institute of Economic Affairs. He is a vocal opponent of “lifestyle regulation” and a prominent critic of the public health lobby. In this article Ben Kelly questions Christopher Snowdon on the erosion of liberty.
Read the full post on Conservatives for Liberty here: